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At Trainer Pro, we have access to the best personal trainers in Vaughan. They will be able to help you with:

  • Finally reaching your fitness goals and getting your dream body!
  • Achieving a healthy weight and actually maintaining it
  • Staying on track with your workouts and holding you accountable.

We offer completely free trials with our personal trainers in Vaughan, making this an easy and low-risk decision for you to take as the first step in your fitness journey

In-Home Personal Trainer in Vaughan

Personal Trainer

Get Your Dream Body and Achieve Your Fitness Goals

With access to the best personal trainers in Vaughan, you will:

  1. Finally, see the results from the hard work and effort you put in!
  2. Be able to time your workouts around your schedule
  3. Work out from your own home without having to leave to a gym
  4. Have a custom training plan based on the equipment that you have (or use body weight)
  5. Actually, enjoy your at-home workout and do not dread it



Beginner Classes

If you have never worked out before, our fitness instructors will curate the perfect introductory-level classes for you to suit your skill and ability level. If you already have ample experience exercising, we have fitness coaches that can build on your level of expertise and keep your progress going.


Success Guaranteed

Everyone has a good idea of what their dream fitness goals are – our personal trainers can help make that a reality for you. If you’re not completely satisfied with your results, we will give you your money back guaranteed.

Proven Results

Our coaches at Trainer Pro have a proven track record that caters to the individual needs of each of their clients, to ensure every individual is able to achieve their ultimate fitness goals.

Devoted Trainers

We only hire fitness instructors that we know are committed to their work and want you to achieve your results as badly as you do. We will match you with a coach in Vaughan who will be carefully selected to help you achieve success.

Feel Your Best

Our personal trainers are experts who know what to do and how to get your body to a level of fitness you never thought was possible for you.

We’ll take the time to guide you with our free personal assessment, even online!

1-on-1 personal training


  • Private sessions with a personal trainer is the fastest way to achieve your fitness goals

  • Your fitness instructor will be fully devoted to you and give you their full attention

  • Your personal trainer will come to train you at your home gym, condo gym, or wherever and whenever works best for you

  • You will receive a customized workout plan to match your skill level and suit your personal goals

  • 1-on-1 training sessions start at just $64 per session

Semi Private Personal Training


  • Find a workout buddy! This could be a friend, spouse or co-worker.

  • Training together will be fun and still customized to each of your skill levels

  • Trainer Pro trainers in Vaughan meet you wherever it’s most convenient

  • Semi-private personal training sessions start at just $40 per session, and group training (3 or more people) starts at $24 per person!


Weight Loss

Our professional coaches know how to get the best work-out for your body type by combining a perfect mix of strength training and cardio to help you lose excess pounds.

Build Strength

The best part of working out is not only looking your best but also feeling strong! Our expert trainers will take you through exercises to engage every muscle in your body and build strength.

Build Muscle

Are you tired of trying weightlifting workouts without seeing results or actually gaining any muscle? Our personal trainers will ensure the exercises you do together will stimulate new muscle growth and definition.

Increase Mobility

As we age, mobility and our range of motion becomes increasingly important. Custom exercises curated for your individual needs, by our personal trainers, will help to ensure you are achieving maximum mobility and simultaneously improving your posture.

Muscle Building and Fat Loss for Men

  • Our personal trainers understand the different exercises needed for men and women, including how to get a chiseled body and 6-pack abs that many men strive for.
  • Trainer Pro trainers have the experience and knowledge to understand how the male body works in order to help you build muscle as effectively as possible.
  • Whatever your dream body is, our personal trainers will use every resource they have to help get you there and more, so that you can be confident and happy with your results.

Muscle Building and Fat Loss for Women

  • We personally select all our personal trainers to ensure Trainer Pro employs the best-qualified professionals, that includes specifically female trainers that work 1-on-1 with women
  • Our female personal trainers understand the female body and know which exercises are best to help target certain problem areas that women try to tone (stomach, arms, thighs, etc).
  • Female personal trainers can specialize in specifically helping women lose weight and toning their body to enhance their natural shape and curves.
  • Our trainers will ensure they know everything about your lifestyle, health status, physical abilities, and fitness goals in order to ensure your customized workout and fitness plan helps you achieve your dream body.

The Best Personal Trainers in Vaugha



At Trainer Pro, we offer a free assessment before you begin working with a personal trainer. Once you decide you want to finally transform your body and your life, we will conduct a Discovery Call. This allows us to understand your current skill level, your health and fitness routine, any mobility issues, and of course your fitness goals so we can help you achieve them. Based on the information that we receive from you, we will go back and scan our roster of qualified personal trainers to find the best custom match for you to suit your preferences. Once we find the perfect match for you, your trainer will reach out to conduct your first assessment to understand your current fitness levels and experience. The trainer will then work to design a unique workout plan, made just for you, to help maximize your results.


Your personal trainer will use the information they learn about you from the complimentary assessment and evaluation to curate a specialized training program just for you. They will ensure that your goals are achievable and realistic and that the exercises in your custom training plan will help you achieve your fitness goals. The first training plan made will certainly not be your last – our personal trainers will assess you throughout your fitness journey to understand the opportune times to change up your fitness routine, increase weights, incorporate resistance training, or add more cardio as needed.


Your instructor will help keep you consistently working out and prioritizing your fitness. They will guide you through each milestone, and challenge you to level up your routine when you’re ready, to ensure you continue to make progress. Our trainers will help keep your workouts engaging and fun, while simultaneously pushing you to achieve your desired goals.


Finally starting to see results from all the time, hard work, and sweat you put into yourself is the best feeling. Picture finally fitting into that pair of jeans you haven’t been able to button up in years, being able to walk up the stairs with ease, playing with your kids, and not running out of breath – these are all life’s little moments that make your workout journey worth it.

We’ll take the time to guide you with our free personal assessment!


Do you only provide service in Vaughan?

No! Trainer Pro has the best personal trainers available across the GTA including:


Is it necessary for me to get in shape before I begin?

No! Our fitness instructors have the skills and experience to train anyone and everyone, with all different body types and fitness levels. There is no need to workout alone or achieve any level of fitness before getting help from our professional trainers. A custom workout plan will be curated for anybody at any level looking to get in shape.

Is there anything I need to bring from home for the training?

No! The only thing you need to bring is a positive attitude. Our personal trainers are experts and can create workout plans based on whatever you have on hand, whether it be equipment, weights, resistance bands, or simply your body weight. A

variety of effective workouts that elevate your heart rate and target various muscles will be designed specifically with whatever you have access to.

Is in-home personal training in Vaughan expensive?

Receiving at-home personal training is a worthwhile investment in yourself. Personal training at home in Vaughan is a high-end service that can cost up to $200 per week. However, your personal trainer will work with you 1 on 1 to ensure your fitness goals are met, that you stay consistent, and most importantly that you enjoy the process. In our opinion, this is money well spent and is something you can feel good about as you are investing in yourself and your future. Not only with the personal trainer create a custom workout plan and food plan for you, they are also available outside of the training to provide guidance on other lifestyle habits or questions you may have. If the costs of personal training are out of your budget but you really want to make progress in your fitness routine, contact us anyways and we can find a way to help you.

How do you select personal trainers?

At Trainer Pro, we are very selective about the instructors we provide to our clients. Through our verification process, we ensure they are all qualified professionals who hold applicable degrees and certifications, have solid client relationships, and have the experience to prove it. We take our work very seriously and we vet all our personal trainers to ensure that our client’s well-being is always the number 1 priority.

What if I can’t make it to my scheduled training session?

No need to worry, we understand that schedules change and we wouldn’t want that to impact your fitness goals. In order to also respect our personal trainer’s packed schedules, please notify us 24 hours before your scheduled appointment and we will reschedule to a time that works better for you.

How do you select personal trainers?

We carefully choose and work with personal trainers who hold the finest degrees and certifications. Because of our thorough verification process, we only work with professionals who have extensive expertise and a strong commitment to their client’s well-being. You can be confident that our carefully chosen trainers are devoted professionals who will help you through your fitness journey with the utmost competence and knowledge.

What if I can’t make it to my scheduled training session?

No need to worry, we understand that schedules change and we wouldn’t want that to impact your fitness goals. In order to also respect our personal trainer’s packed schedules, please notify us 24 hours before your scheduled appointment and we will reschedule to a time that works better for you.

Where is the training held?

Personal training can be done at wherever is the most convenient for you: home, office, condominium, etc. Our coach will come meet you at a comfortable location of your choosing at the time that works best for you.

Are your services pricey?

Trainer Pro offers a variety of packages to suit various budgets. However, we strongly believe this is an investment in yourself and worth every penny. And in fact, 1 on 1 personal training is less expensive than people might anticipate – call us to speak to a representative and discuss our variety of packages!

What will in-home person training get me?

Customized Training Plans: Our team of professional personal trainers will create a

customized workout plan, tailored to suit your skills and abilities, while also ensuring you meet your fitness goals. Our experts also monitor and check in on what you do outside of working out to progress your goals, specifically including sticking to a nutritional plan and healthy diet.

Body Composition Analysis: A fully body composition analysis is completed by our team as part of our personal training program. The test takes into account your lean body mass, muscle mass and body fat percentages to understand your unique body type and curate a specific workout and nutrition program that will actually create results for your body. Throughout your fitness journey, your personal trainer will re-assess you every step of the way as needed and make any adjustments to your nutrition plan and workouts to ensure you are making continuous progress.

Accountability and Inspiration: Our coaches will provide you with their full attention and dedication to help you focus on your fitness objectives. They want you to succeed and will push and inspire you to do your best, both inside and outside of training. Trainer Pro commits to ensuring that our personal trainers create a positive environment through uplifting and motivational comments to help keep you enjoying your workout and staying on track.

How frequently do I work out each week?

Our packages are created based on your personal preference, however, we definitely recommend trying to workout with your coach about 2-3 days a week to achieve optimal results.

Will working with a personal trainer produce better outcomes than working out on my own?

The short answer is yes. Think about how many times you’ve tried working out on your own, only to get little to no results. All that time and energy wasted, when you could spend more time enjoying life! The benefits of working out with an in-home personal trainer is that you won’t be wasting time going anywhere as they will come to you, and the time you have together will be 100% dedicated to maximizing your fitness routine. No more time wasted at the gym not knowing what to do. Our fitness instructors are professionals and will ensure your hard work and time directly leads to great results.

Not looking for a personal trainer in Vaughan? Check out other cities we serve!



Not looking for personal trainers in Mississauga? Check out the other cities we serve!


We’re looking forward to connecting with you and going over ay questions you may have on starting your journey. Leave your contact information with us here, we take a human approach to setting you up with the right trainer, so we’d like to learn alittle bit more about your and your goals.