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Many of us had to change from working at the office to remote work and with that change comes a lot less movement. We went from getting up, preparing for the day, walking to our transportation or even to work, to now being completely stationary and maybe even laying on the couch all day. You can feel yourself gaining weight a little here and there and you know you feel as though you have to move your body more. This article will show you how to not fall off track and maintain a healthy body while also working from home.

Stick to A Routine

Habits are a very powerful tool that saves a lot of energy. Therefore, it is very important to create a clear routine and stick to it. After a few days, you will notice how productive your day has become. We have some great suggestions on how to set up your workday routine.

Add Exercise to your Schedule

Add Exercise to your Schedule

You should start by determining when you have the most energy to work out. If you have workout equipment, put it in an easily accessible place. Or you can use video workouts or apps, but their disadvantage is the lack of feedback. Best of all, we recommend investing in your health and body by getting an at home personal trainer with Trainer Pro. We will match you up with a personal trainer who can workout with you during your lunch break in as little as 45 minutes. Meaning you can be working right up to the minute before your personal trainer comes by. This is a great way to be able to really hit your fitness goals.

Take short breaks

If an at-home personal trainer isn’t enough. Take breaks, breaks can be as short as 5-10 minutes to get up and stretch. Doing light exercises for your neck, shoulder and back muscles will also be great. Don’t forget to walk, even in small spaces, or just around your desk.

Follow the right nutrition

Follow the right nutrition

Here are some tips on eating right:

  • First of all, choose foods with minimal processing (convenience foods also contain a lot of starch and flavorings).
  • It is better to start cooking yourself because this way you will know exactly what’s in your meal, and how many calories you’re consuming.
  • Give preference to vegetables, and let fruits become a dessert (just remember that they contain a lot of sugar).
  • Reduce salt and the amount of foods that contain it. This is one of the measures to prevent swelling and high blood pressure.

You can definitely keep up with a diet and make an exercise plan on your own. But it is much more effective to achieve your goals in the company of a professional who will take into account all the details of your body, health, and fitness goals. Saving money on a personal trainer by doing workouts yourself is going to take you longer to achieve your fitness goals, leaving you frustrated and sometimes even giving up completely.

Trainer Pro will help you choose a fitness trainer near you who will prepare an individual exercise plan, and they will fit right into your training schedule. If you even search “Personal Trainers around me” you will be bombarded with options, but Trainer Pro is reasonably priced, has the best trainers, and is the highest rated of them all. Give us a try.


Tell us a bit more about yourself and we’ll reach out as soon as possible. We take a human approach to setting you up with the right trainer – so we’d like to learn more about you and your goals first.